Special Talks & Events
Cutrara, Samantha. (February 2022). Teaching History in Today’s World panel discussion. The Mentoree: OnEdMentors Podcast.
Click here for podcast episode.
Cutrara, Samantha. (October 2021). Imagining a New 'We' in the Undergraduate History Classroom. Western History Research Seminar Series.
Cutrara, Samantha. (October 2021). Does the "We" Include Women?: 'Imagining a New We' for 21st century history education. The Ontario Women’s History Network - 30 + years: A Celebration.
Cutrara, Samantha. (June 2021). Ontario Secondary School Curriculum and Racism: Understanding space for change. Back to Basics conference. The Coalition for Racial Equity in Education (CREE).
Cutrara, Samantha. (May 2021). Youth, Identity, and History education: A perspective from Canada. CHRG Seminar | Multiple pasts and conflicted presents. Deakin Contemporary Histories Group & the AARE History and Education SIG.
Cutrara, Samantha. (March 2021). Imagining Change, Being Change: The importance of the past on your future. The Vimy Foundation.
Cutrara, Samantha. (May 2020). HonesTEAs, and Ways to Build Pan-University Community Related to Academic Honesty. Academic Integrity Council of Ontario annual conference.
Click here for video.
Cutrara, Samantha. (May 2020). Using the Digital Humanities and Social Sciences (DHSS) to Imagine General Education. Workshop presented at the American Association for Colleges and Universities’ General Education, Pedagogy, and Assessment conference, Jacksonville, FL.
Click here for video.
Cutrara, Samantha. (June 2019). Commemoration Beyond the Gold Plaque: The Future of Commemoration. Commemorating Canada: The Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada at 100. Parks Canada. https://www.pc.gc.ca/en/culture/clmhc-hsmbc
Click here for video (watch with captions) and here for text.
Cutrara, Samantha. (July 2016). Keynote: Connected and Complex Inquiry: Developing classroom relationships that can lead to meaningful learning in History and Social Studies. Thinking about Inquiry in Social Studies and History conference. Peel District School Board.
Cutrara, Samantha. (March 2016). Using Primary Sources as a Form of Social Activism: Visualizing a different past, imagining a different future. Webinar for Canada’s History.
Click here for video.